Veneers – Owasso, OK

Get a Set of Perfect Pearly Whites

Have you ever seen someone with a smile so beautiful it’s hard to believe? Someone whose teeth are perfectly straight, immaculately white, and completely free of any blemishes? A lot of the time, veneers are the secret to making these teeth look so perfect.

Veneers have long helped everyone from Hollywood celebrities to heads of state get a set of perfect pearly whites; however, this treatment isn’t exclusive to the rich and famous. If you live near Owasso, OK, the team here at Life Smiles of Owasso can give you a beautiful set of veneers. Give us a call and we’ll show you what they could do for you.

Why Choose Life Smiles of Owasso For Veneers? 

  • Dedicated Dentist Who Has Studied Aesthetic Care Extensively
  • Dental Team Who Puts the Needs of Patients First
  • Beautiful Cosmetics Made from High-Quality Materials

What Are Dental Veneers?

Someone with a nice smile

Veneers are small porcelain shells that can be layered onto the teeth, completely changing their appearance. They can be used to hide small imperfections, cover up discolored teeth, and even to alter the alignment of the smile by changing the shape of the teeth.

Veneers are stain-resistant by design, and the materials they’re made from are stunningly durable. This means that you can expect your veneers to protect your teeth for a long time if you care for them well.

The Process of Getting Veneers

Veneer held in a set of pincers

After we’ve talked with you about your needs and settled on veneers, we’ll prepare your teeth for the cosmetics by removing a small portion of your enamel. This is important, as otherwise the veneers will not be able to sit flush against the smile.

We’ll then take impressions of your teeth and design your cosmetics based on the data we collect. These designs will be sent to a lab where the veneers can be milled.

Once we receive them, we’ll bring you back to our office and put the veneers in place. After just two appointments, you’ll leave with a smile that you can feel true pride in.

Benefits of Veneers

Veneer being placed on a tooth

Veneers are one of the most celebrated cosmetic dental treatments that there is, and it’s easy to see why when you look at everything that the treatment has going for it. As we mentioned previously, veneers are made of a stain-resistant porcelain, meaning that they’re likely to stay shining for a long time after they’re placed.

Veneers also offer incredible durability, often lasting for 10-20 years before needing to be replaced. This owes in large part to the sophisticated dental porcelain they’re made from, which is also a large part of what makes them look so realistic.

Understanding the Cost of Veneers

Man smiling and looking away

As you might know, veneers are considered to be a purely elective procedure, meaning that you can’t count on insurance to pay for them. For that reason, you may want to pursue alternative options to make the care budget-friendly.

You might want to look into financing options that can help you split the cost of your care across several months. We often work with CareCredit, which offers low-to-no interest financing to those patients who qualify. If you have questions about the finances of treatment, give us a call and we’ll talk to you about the options available to you.

Veneers FAQs

Are Veneers Permanent?

Since veneers will eventually need to be replaced, they are not technically permanent. However, the procedure that prepares your teeth to receive them is irreversible since it requires the removal of a small amount of enamel that does not grow back. Accordingly, the treated teeth will have to wear veneers from then on for protection against injury and infection.

Is There Anything I Can’t Eat with Veneers?

Before receiving your final veneers, you will be fitted with a temporary set. While wearing your temporary veneers, it’s best to avoid hard and crunchy foods like ice, candy, and raw fruits and veggies that could damage them as well as sticky foods that can pull them off of the teeth. Temporary veneers are more vulnerable to stains, so try not to consume too many foods and beverages that are high in dyes and pigments. Once your final veneers have been placed, you’ll be able to enjoy most foods, but it’s best to avoid extremely hard or crunchy foods as well as excessive consumption of items that can cause stains. If you find that your teeth are sensitive after your veneers are placed, avoid anything hot or cold. Take care to enjoy alcohol in moderation, as it can weaken the cement keeping your veneers in place.

Do Veneers Give You a Lisp?

Veneers add a small amount of volume to your teeth that affects the way air flows around them, which can give some patients a temporary lisp. This issue will fade over time as your tongue learns to work around the reshaped teeth, but it may be especially noticeable when you pronounce the “s” and “v” sounds. In some cases, we can alter the shape of your veneers to get rid of this lisp. However, a great way to correct your speech at home is to read a favorite book out loud and repeat any words that give you trouble until you get the hang of them.

How Long Do Veneers Last?

The better care and maintenance you give your veneers, the longer you can expect them to last. A study in 2007 found that 96% of veneers lasted five years, 93% lasted ten to eleven years, 91% lasted twelve to thirteen years, and 73% lasted fifteen to sixteen years. Veneers often fail due to fractures, chips, and cracks that happen due to preventable injuries. Some of the best ways to extend the lifespan of your veneers are to practice excellent oral hygiene, keep up with your regular dental appointments, and avoid biting on hard objects. While veneers usually last for about ten to fifteen years, they can last for thirty years or more with excellent care in some cases.